Robotic Antifouling

Introducing CLIIN Robotics' Antifouling System: a groundbreaking operational solution for hull grooming and cleaning, enhancing sustainability and efficiency in vessel operations. As both an on on- and offshore solution, it's accessible for repeated usage on board. Designed to navigate seamlessly through strong currents both above and below the waterline, it ensures thorough grooming/cleaning without disrupting operations.

Versatile and effective, our system targets various levels of marine biofouling, ranging from light slime to heavy fouling, optimizing hull performance across diverse conditions. By utilizing proven cavitation technology, our solution is not only environmentally friendly but also cost cost-effective. Proactive maintenance, such as keeping hull surfaces smooth, has been proven to reduce fuel consumption, resulting in lower greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing the transfer of invasive species.

Accessible anytime, anywhere, our on on-demand cleaning capabilities are operated remotely with ease and safety, for smooth and user user-friendly operations. collaboration with Innovationsfonden, Force Institute, MUDP, Robot Union, and the EU Horizon 2020 programme, CLIIN Robotics will introduce robotic antifouling for optimized hull performance.

Discover further insights into our cutting-edge Robotic Antifouling Solution at the forthcoming Posidonia Exhibition! Visit us at Booth Nr. 1.352 in Hall No. 1 at the Athens Metropolitan Expo, spanning from June 3rd to June 7th, 2024.

Image of a ship with improved hull performance


CLIIN is a Danish company specialising in making robots for the shipping industry with the purpose of optimising the cleaning process in terms of time, cost, and strain on the environment.

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